S.M.A.C.S. is an acronym for the markets where major IT & Telecom players see a strong potential for future growth. If you are looking to develop your activity in one of these fields you need to work with partners that are already "SMACS active".
With 67 billion dollars on the table this acquisition is one of the monster buy outs, especially because a large part of the deal was made in cash. EMC is the latest in a long list of companies to be acquired by Dell: Credant Technologies,...
The client need: Epson wanted to identify and understand the strengths and weaknesses of its printer distribution network. It wanted to study the top 5 countries in Europe (the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy). The ultimate aim for Epson was...
The client need: TECH DATA SAS FRANCE wanted to accelerate partner recruitement via a Ranking in order to know partners' turnover per Business Unit. Tech Data therefore gave compuBase its partner database so that compuBase could carry...
The client need: - AUTODESK wanted to increase the number of partners supplying its "volume" offer in Germany, France and England - Using compuBase business intelligence tools, AUTODESK wanted to identify the number of potential...