The client need:
TECH DATA SAS FRANCE wanted to accelerate partner recruitement via a Ranking in order to know partners' turnover per Business Unit. Tech Data therefore gave compuBase its partner database so that compuBase could carry our a matching with the companies in our database.
TECH DATA SAS FRANCE wanted to accelerate partner recruitement via a Ranking in order to know partners' turnover per Business Unit. Tech Data therefore gave compuBase its partner database so that compuBase could carry our a matching with the companies in our database.
The aim was :
- To identify partners with high TO in resale that had not yet worked with Tech Data
- To increase the TO for Tech Data's current partners by estimating their potential per Business Unit Tech Data / Azlan
The compuBase solution:
A Ranking study
compuBase performed the following tasks:
compuBase performed the following tasks:
After matching the databases, we gave Tech Data the information they would need to expand their product range with the matched partners. This approach was based on two things:
- The estimated TO for each partner
- Each partner's scoring from a qualitative point of view (i.e.: their affinity with the commercialisation of a particular category of products)
For each partner, compuBase supplied the following:
- An estimation of TO per BU Tech Data - the BU were defined by the aggregation of a list of estimated fields supplied by compuBase consulting.
- Estimation of the total TO per BU
- Estimation of the total CA in resale
Deliverables and delay
Deliverables :
Deliverables :
For all companies
- Company registration number
- Last total TO figure
- The source for the TO figure (official / declared / estimated / forecasted)
- Year of the last TO
- Est. TO in resale
- Est. total TO 5BUs
And for each of the 5 BUs
- Range of TO per BU
- Level of confidence in the TO per BU
- Score received in the scoring operation
Other information provided on the companies not present in Tech Data's database:
- Company name
- Address
- Telephone number
- Fax number
- Web site
- Company email
- One management contact with their function and direct email address when available
- VAT code
- BVD code
Delay : 3 to 4 weeks
Contact us to find out more about our Channel Ranking study of any of our other Channel studies