Main market tendancies
- 2nd IT & Telecom market in Europe
- 25,000 HQ and 14,500 resellers
- Services represent the most widespread business model
- Very competitive and concentrated market
- Business coverage transcends UK's borders
- 25,000 HQ and 14,500 resellers
- Services represent the most widespread business model
- Very competitive and concentrated market
- Business coverage transcends UK's borders

> Quantitative analysis of the partners: distribution by region and by activity
> Services and software publishing: major actors by category
> Resellers: resale categories and products sold (market capacity)
> Market experience and presence: players by size and vertical markets penetration level
> Partners sales: sales areas, targets and methods
> Services and software publishing: major actors by category
> Resellers: resale categories and products sold (market capacity)
> Market experience and presence: players by size and vertical markets penetration level
> Partners sales: sales areas, targets and methods