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HP Partner Channel - a Dynamic Analysis by compuBase

HP, when it was consolidated, had the largest channel, even ahead of Microsoft's. Because HPE is distinct from HP, we now have to consider each channel as a specific channel. And there are differences ...


HP Channel
HP Channel
The compuBase database is not exhaustive on the HP partners, nevertheless we estimate that we cover, in value, at least between 60% and 70% of HP partners for EMEA, this is largely enough to provide an accurate analysis.
Caution: For North America the differences between HPE and HP is not fully implemented into our repository.
Our database is frequently updated, the frequency varies according the partner size between 9 and 18 months.

For more information or specific counts please consult our website https//www.compubase.biz/ict/getSelectionPage.action
If you need a specific survey please contact us.

Definition of a HP partner

Any qualified partner such as partners:
  • Reselling regularly a HP solutions as a stand alone product or solutions such as Laptop, desktop, printer ....

Certified Partners such as
  • HP Partner First Platinum
  • HP Partner First Gold
  • HP Partner First Silver
  • HP Partner First Bronze

Clients Total number of HP partners into the compuBase database:

Who are HP's partners?

My myStatsID1 GFX donut here...

Number of HP partners into the compuBase database by product and solutions

Click on the cell to find out which category is detailed or to perform specific counts

HP's partners by size ranges?

My myStatsID2 GFX donut here...

Top Brands into HP Partner Network

Number of partners by brand present into the HP channel

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