Main market tendancies
- Estimation of the market: about 7,500 companies
- Resellers represent the most widespread business model in the region
- IT sector contribution to the economic growth: > 7%
- 72% of the IT resellers are independent
- High potential of the Telecoms market
You will also find in this study:
- The number of resellers / partners per country
- The main wholesalers
- The market challenges
- Resellers represent the most widespread business model in the region
- IT sector contribution to the economic growth: > 7%
- 72% of the IT resellers are independent
- High potential of the Telecoms market
You will also find in this study:
- The number of resellers / partners per country
- The main wholesalers
- The market challenges

> Quantitative analysis of the partners
> Services and software publishing
> Focus on resellers:
- resale categories
- products sold
> Focus on partners sales:
- sales areas
- sales targets
- sales methods
Study available in English and in French
> Services and software publishing
> Focus on resellers:
- resale categories
- products sold
> Focus on partners sales:
- sales areas
- sales targets
- sales methods
Study available in English and in French