ICT Channel in Greece

Overview of IT & Telecom distribution in Greece, including essential information to develop indirect sales; partners such as IT resellers, ISVs, MSPs, Vars...

ICT Market Tendencies

Greece is one of the EU’s smallest but most dynamic ICT markets and plays an important commercial role in the Balkan region. The market is very service oriented and the great majority of the sector is focused on the telecom field. Its geographic location makes it a bridge between Europe and Asia. The total number of ICT companies is estimated at around 3,500.

Forty percent of the players are in resale, 36% of the firms provide services, and manufacturers total merely 8%. The main partners of Greek ICT exports are Germany and UK. Local wholesalers play an important role within Greek distribution, as a lot of the international market players are present in the local market via small representations and going indirect remains the most efficient strategy.

The capital city and its surroundings account for 40% of the entire economic activity. Regarding the breakdown by regions, the Attica region gathers the most ICT players with 80% of companies, followed by Thessalonica with around 10%. The IT services and software publishers are mainly located in the Attica region, while internet service companies are spread out in the other regions.
More than 80% of companies are small, employing less than 50 people; moreover, more than half of the total companies employ fewer than 15 people.

Important shares of IT services revenues currently come from systems integration (sustained by technology consolidation and virtualization processes), support and installation (mainly CRM/ERP software), as well as outsourcing and telecommunications. Customized solutions are often required, especially in enterprise application software for SMBs.

The Greek telecommunications sector is very dynamic and enjoys continuous growth. This trend is expected to carry over in the area of mobility products. The Greek Government contributes to investment in infrastructure and is helping stimulate demand in the sector, by equipping public administrations with the latest products.

The consumer electronic market is fuelled via the retail channel where the most important European brands are present, engendering a concentration of these products.

1 E 1 Greece.sel 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 STATS_PRC_REF_TOTAL_COLUMN STATS_VAR_FIRST_PERCENT STATS_TOTAL_PRC_TOTAL STATS_PRC_FORMAT_DEC_2_PRC 16000 Manufacturer 0 15990 Software publisher 0 15989 Publisher of software for a specific activity 0 15988 Publisher of software for a specific process of companies 0 15993 Software solutions or services integrator (developed by third parties) 0 15995 IT services, Software development (hosting, maintenance, training, bespoke software development....) 0 15996 Telecom services (Telecom operator, ISP...) 0 15991 Telecom & network infrastructure integrator 0 15992 IT infrastructure integrator 0 15994 Consulting 0 15999 Reselling to individuals 0 15998 Reselling to enterprises (hardware, software & services & assemblers) 0 15997 Wholesaler (resale of IT and Telecom products to resellers) 0 19130 Web agency 0 16002 Other IT and Telecom related activities 0 The Greek ICT distribution database - Click on any cell in the table to see the corresponding selection

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Distribution players: 
Public organisations & Useful Associations:
Federation of Hellenic Information Technology and Communications Enterprises (SEPE)