Available database subscriptions

We offer different models of subscription depending on your needs

What is a subscription

A subscription consists of online access to our database, with a license offering various functionalities according to your subscription rights.
The data to which you have access corresponds to the live data of your subscription scope (less one day).
Access to the database is via our market platform www.compubase.biz.

Entry-level offer: OPEN ACCESS

Full Access, Credit-based system, Pay-per-use You define your budget via a credit system. We open the credits at the beginning of the contract or monthly according to your preferences You have a full access to the global database, no perimeter is defined, you can select / view / export contacts or profiles using your credits. for standard selection and export: 1 record exported = 1 credit used Advantages: Full scope access / Full profile Pay only for what you use Constant Updates Online access  Created for Discovering the compuBase database Exploring a market Finding highly specific partner types Getting what you can't find on LinkedIn Pricing Starting at 325€ for 100 credits.

IT vendor's choice: DATA & WEB

Access to a specific target, time-based subscription We define the target with you You choose among two levels of full profile PRO+ and EXPERT+ (with or without revenue per product category) We open a permanent access through an online service to the selected target data Advantages: Your own Target / Full Profile Unlimited export (number- & data-wise) Regular Updates Online access, multiple profiles Designed for Developing a channel Existing channel data enrichment Marketing and Sales usages (PRO+ depth) Business and Market analyst (EXPERT+ Depth) Pricing The budget varies according to the volume of companies and profile depth. Usually above 10k€ / year

Full access to a country: PLATINIUM

The principle is the same as with Data & Web, but access is granted for an entire country (or multiple countries).
You get a specific discount for this access, as we understand that not all companies will be of interest to you. Usually it is interesting when your target covers at least 60 to 70% of all companies in a country, usually reach if you take all IT Services + All ISV + All resale.

See more about the full access on all IT companies within a country the Platinum offer

Create Your Own Company Selections With Our Online Selection Tool For further information about our channel statistics and services Contact us here

compuBase has developed a very powerful but easy to access tool. It allows you to perform targeting and instantly know the volume of potential partners for your activity. The counting functions are accessible without subscription.