API to get distributor stocks availability for your website or application

The APIs make it possible, from a specific subscription, to retrieve information from the stock database of wholesalers present on the easystock platform of compubase.biz for display on your own site or in your applications.

Needs covered

In your sites
- Display of the availability of a product within your website
- Display of the public price observed

In your applications, allows the display
- from which wholesalers the product is available
- the volumes available
- your prices negotiated with the wholesaler (requires Premium subscription  )


Deliverable information available by API

Available Y/N ​Public price excluding tax Total volume available (all wholesalers combined or on a specific wholesaler with SKU). Custom pricing (requires Premium subscription as an extra) List of all wholesalers with their stocks and SKUs Last date stock was available

Get your API test access

You are a reseller, an integrator and you wish to have access to a test API, compuBase offers you to test the system for free. 
Access the application form